Location of Hotel Metropolis ****

Hotel Metropolis, in the heart of Escaldes (Andorra), is perfectly located: next to the famous Caldea spa, near the Illa Carlemany shopping center and just 10 km from the main ski resorts, which can be accessed with local means of transportation.

How to get to Hotel Metropolis?

Getting to Hotel Metropolis is very easy. You can come either by car or by plane.

  • By car

    From Spain

    Madrid Zaragoza Lleida Ponts Andorra (613 km approx.)

    Barcelona Andorra:

    • By Cervera (208 km approx.)

    • By Solsona (196 km approx.)

    • By Calaf (202 km approx.)

    • Through the Cadí Tunnel (185 km approx. - Toll)

    Lleida Andorra (150 km approx.)

    Puigcerdà Andorra (60 km approx.)

    Tarragona Andorra by Tàrrega (210 km approx.)

    Girona Olot Andorra (219 km approx.)

    From France

    • Toulouse Foix Andorra (196 km approx.)

    • Perpignan Bourg Madame Pas de la Casa Andorra (128 km approx.)

    • Perpignan Bourg Madame Puigcerdà La Seu d’Urgell Andorra (163 km approx.)

    • Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre Andorra (39 km approx.)

  • By plane

    From Spain

     • l'Alguaire Airport 158 km

     • Prat Airport (Barcelona) 210 km

     • Girona Airport (Girona) 250 km

     • Reus Airport (Tarragona) 210 km

    From France

     • Rivesaltes Airport (Perpignan) 170 km

     • Blagnac Airport (Toulouse) 196 km

     • Carcassonne Airport in Pays Cathare 155 km

Andorra map

Distance between Andorra and ...

  • 200 km


  • 613 km


  • 196 km




Andorra is located in the heart of the Eastern Pyrenees and is the perfect destination to practice mountain sports, relax in its natural surroundings or go shopping for its more than a thousand shops and shopping centers.

Discover all that this wonderful area offers.

Know more about Andorra

Bathtub at the Hotel Metropolis
Breakfast at the Hotel Metropolis
Room of the Hotel Metropolis
Interior of the Hotel Metropolis
Atlantida Restaurant Dessert
Amenities of the Hotel Metropolis